Plant Information
For your convenience, we've provided basic information about commonly used plants in the South Florida zone. You can also refer to our plant gallery for photos of any plants listed below.
Ground Covers or Border Plants
Ground Covers: Carpet Bougainvillea, Baby Sun Rose, and Gold Mound Duranta
- Drought Tolerant
- Carpet Bougainvillea and Baby Sun Rose are also Cold Tolerant
Border Plants: Caladium, Thai Crown of Thorns, Flax Lily, and Petra Croton
- Medium Drought Tolerant
- Thai Crown of Thorns is Very Drought Tolerant and Cold Tolerant
Drought Tolerant Shrubs (Medium)
Arboricola, Bahama Cassia, Carolina Jessamine, Copperleaf, Fire Croton, Grand Duke Gold Tip Ligustrum, Jasmine, Ixora, Dwarf Ilex, Japanese Boxwood, Star Jasmine, and Wild Coffee
- Medium Drought Tolerant
- Grand Duke Jasmine, Gold Tip Ligustrum, Dwarf Ilex, and Carolina Jessamine are Cold Tolerant
Drought Tolerant Shrubs (High)
Giant False Agave, Silver Buttonwood, Cocoplum, Devil's Backbone, Firebush, Firecracker, Green Isle Ficus, Indian Hawthorne, Juniper, Lion's Tail, Pittosporum, Walter's Viburnum, and Wild Lime
- Very Drought Tolerant
- Devil's Backbone, Juniper, Lion's Tail, and Pittosporum are Cold Tolerant
Shade Shrubs
Crape Jasmine, Xanadu, and Ti Plants (includes Cordyline and Red Sister)
Powder Puff, Black Olive, and Red Cedar
- Black Olive and Red Cedar are Drought Tolerant
- Only Red Cedar is Cold Tolerant
For a great hedge, consider the following:
- Cocoplums, Silver Buttonwoods, and Grand Duke Jasmine
- Dwarf Ilex or Ilex Schilling for a low formal hedge
Butterfly Gardens
If you’re looking to attract butterflies, consider these plants:
- Firecracker, Red Powder Puff, and Wild Coffee
- Bahama Cassia and Wild Lime are larval host plants.
- Carpet Bougainvillea and Firebush attract butterflies and hummingbirds.
- Carolina Jessamine attracts hummingbirds.
These are just a few of the commonly used (and not so common) plants that can add a vibrant splash of color and texture to your landscaping. This is only a sampling of the many plant options available in the South Florida zone, and we hope it helps get you started on your landscaping journey.
For any further questions or to discuss more plant options, please contact us at (239) 275-1885 or We're here to assist you!